About Organization
  • Established in: 2001
  • Themes & Interventions: Environment, Disaster
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Muzaffarabad
  • Bhagiana Pachiot Karachi Tangi Tehsil Rawalakot Dist Poonch Azad Jammu& Kashmir Pakistan
  • Phone: 05823433717
  • Email: info@shama.org.pk

Shama Development Organization (SDO) is a humanitarian, nongovernmental, non-political & non profitable organization founded in 2001 and registered under Pakistan Societies Act 1860/21. SDO is working for alleviation of poverty and improve living standard of rural poor of AJK through Social Mobilization and active participation of rural communities at gross root level.
The SDO has become increasingly involved in projects and public private partnerships aimed at improving social sector service delivery. It remains involved in consultations with community organizations and staff, as well as with public representatives, provincial and line departments, and civil society.
SDO is being guided by a Board of Directors that consists of renowned professionals with diverse educational and professional background.


Socio economic empowerment of individuals, groups and communities with specially focus to their vulnerabilities, immediate and long term needs.


Contribute for Multi Sector Development through institutionalization, mobilization, conservation and construction with the close collaboration of national and international development partners.


Serve the needs of the most vulnerable - particularly women and children, special people and the poor - with a specific focus on marginalized groups and cases.
• Provide multi- sectorial, sustainable, and pro-poor programs that bridge long-term development at the grassroots level.
• Empower communities by building capacity and by maximizing local resources in both program design and implementation.
• Promote self-reliance, peaceful coexistence, and reintegration of marginalized communities.
• Promote biodiversity conservation in order to make this world a happy place to live in.
• Uphold the highest professional norms in program delivery, including accountability to beneficiaries and donors alike.

Online Presence

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