About Organization
  • Established in: 2015
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Women, Children, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Gujrat
  • Shamsa Welfare Founddation , Shamsa Building , Guliana. Tehsil Kharian, Districts Gujrat
  • Phone: 0537578222
  • Email: shamsawelfare@gmail.com

God has given human beings the boon of wisdom and discretion to think upon the signs of the universe and to draw conclusions. That is the reason why they disclose the hidden facts of it and its structure and have made remarkable progress in many walks of life. Children are the flowers of heaven. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes and begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific kind of joy through their innocence. But, there are also other children, those who cannot go to schools due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and can merely wish to seek knowledge. It is due to many hindrances and difficulties; desperate conditions that they face in life. Having been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families. It is also a fact that there are many children who play a key role in sustaining the economically life of their family without which, their families would not be able to make ends meet. When a child in addition to getting education, earns his livelihood, this act of earning a livelihood is called as child Labour. The concept of child Labour got much attention during the 1990s when European countries announced a ban on the goods of the less-developed countries because of child Labour.


In a developing country like Pakistan where the issue of child labour is getting worse day by day, the main reason is not having an adult in the family to earn and the leading woman of the house is unable to earn the bread so they have to send their kids out to earn at the age when they should be going to school. Child Labour is a complex problem which demands a range of solutions. There is no better way to prevent child Labour than to make education compulsory. The purpose of Shamsa Welfare Foundation is to train these girls and women sitting home in different disciplines, they can have an opportunity to earn money working from house. This is the only possible way we can eliminate child labour and let the women take up the responsibility of their own families.


Our sister Shamsa Imtiaz, who passed away few years ago due to lack of proper medical care, for conveying reward to the deceased we have dreamt of eliminating child labour, training women and making unsupported families independent. Shamsa Welfare Foundation Gulyana is the first step to that dream.

The details of different welfare projects of the foundation are given below:




Shamsa Free Vocational Institute was founded on 1st January 2015. In this institute women are trained in tailoring, beautician, cooking, baking and computer courses which are taught by our professional teachers and all the courses are approved by the Punjab Government. It is to be mentioned that no fees is charged for these courses.




Ezza’s Closet is a great employment opportunity for the trained women from Shamsa Free Vocational Training Institute. In this department all kinds of clothes for weddings, birthdays, parties as well as school uniforms are made at commercial level. All the clothes here are manufactured on local, national and international demands. These clothes are sold in and out of the country and the profit from this is deposited in the accounts of Shamsa Welfare Foundation.




In this department bridal makeup, party makeup. Mehndi and all other services are provided at very affordable cost and the profit is spent on Shamsa Welfare Foundation projects.




Those girls and women who get training from Shamsa Free Vocational Institute but for some reason cannot serve under Ezza, s closet our foundation gives expenses for the materials they need for their respective business and they return that money on easy installments without any additional charges or interest. We have been working with Akhuwat Foundation in this regard.




Educational scholarships are given to the intelligent students who are financially not strong enough to handle the expenses of their education. Alfalah scholarship is helping us in this noble deed.




In case of emergency, a blood bank has been established to fulfill the deficiency of blood for patients. Free blood group camps are also arranged under this department with the collaboration of Sundas Foundation to raise the awareness of blood donation.




An ambulance has been donated by Hajji Imtiaz Ahmed Chairman Shamsa Welfare Foundation for the patients of Gulyana and the nearby. This service is free for the needy people while it costs meagerly for those who can afford.




A Shamsa Welfare Medical store is under process on Gulyana Kotla road in front of Fazal Dad Gov. Maternity Hospital Bajaar. Medicines will be available on discount prices and poor people will be given free medicines.

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