Established in: 1984
Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
Themes & Interventions: Education, Women, Children, Disability
What We Do: Awareness Rising, Service Delivery
Head Office at Karak
Sheen Ghar Association, near Social Welfare Office, KDA, Karak
Phone: 03339918830
Back Ground:
Human Development is a far cry without realization of human rights. The 1948 Universal Declaration of human rights asserts that “Everyone has the right to standard of living adequate for health and well being of health and well being of himself and his family, including food, clothing housing, medical care and necessary social services. Everyone has the right…. to education….to work….and to social security..”. International human rights convents require all member countries to ensure that basic human rights of its entire citizen are protected irrespective of their religion, cast, creed or capabilities. The basic human right frame work therefore shuns the neo-liberal market centered approach; which allocates the state’s on the basis of their economic returns.
In case of Pakistan, policy making generally followed a market centered pro-growth approach during the last 50 years, and has conveniently overlooked state responsibility to fulfill the rights of vulnerable communities including the physically disable challenged population. Rights of disable people have been ignored for decades and consequently they seldom get any opportunity to live meaningful lives. Person who become disabled due to some disease or who are born disabled, are either dependent on their family members become beggars. There are few opportunities for them to get education and acquire employable skills.
In district Karak the ratio of special person was 47 %, .there was acute shortage of doctors and medical felicities especially in the field of rehabilitation of special persons. There was no facility of rehabilitation in District Karak.. Therefore the situation demands a local mechanism to support special person for longer period of time in order to rehabilitate them and integrate them into society. This demand for rehabilitation of special persons gives birth to Sheen Ghar Association, Initiative for Raising Awareness, Development and Assimilation of the Handicapped.
Capabilities approach in forms the conceptualization of Sheen Ghar Association in its dealing with the vulnerable population and their rehabilitation and development.
Brief History.
Sheen Ghar Association is unique organization whose leadership has defied the traditional societal conceptions about the vulnerable sections of society. Right from its humble beginning to present day it has become a strong organization offering a variety of services. Sheen Ghar Association President and his team work with utmost dedication and resolve. Capabilities approach is the center stone of Sheen Ghar Association’s philosophy which makes the organization’s program extremely effective for its physical challenged beneficiaries
Sheen Ghar Association chose to work with physically disable for their physical, educational and financial rehabilitation in District Karak. The NGO was registered in 02 February 1984 under the Voluntary Societies act 1961 vide registration No: DSW/NWFP/175.
SGA is providing the following rehabilitation facilities at its center since 1984.i.e.
i. Physiotherapy ii. Orthopedic appliances iii. Wheel chairs/Tricycles
iv. Hearing aids. v. Eye glasses. vi. Surgery.
vii. Referral service. Viii. School books / uniform. viii. Vocational skills
ix. Formal / informal primary education. x. Disability awareness.
Xi. Micro credit to disable.
To develop a Disability free society.
To promote building of civil society by harnessing the creative energies of poor and underprivileged.
To Abolish disability from community.
To promote building of civil society by harnessing the creative energies of poor and underprivileged.
Objective 1
To develop Disability Sheen Ghar as a strong membership led organization which can effectively represent the interests of members
Objective 2
To represent the interests of disabled people in Sheen Ghar to government and other decision makers with the aim of advancing policies for disabled people
Objective 3
To initiate, and to work in partnership with others, the delivery of campaigns which improve services and raise awareness of disability issues
Objective 4
To develop sustainable funding arrangements
Objective 5
To maintain effective and sustainable governance and management arrangements
Objective 6
To monitor and measure the impact of Disability Sheen Ghar work