About Organization
  • Established in: 1986
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Disaster, Health, Women, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Hyderabad
  • H# C-415/416 Phase-1, Qasimabad.
  • Phone: 0222650996
  • Email: Info@safwco.org

Sindh Agricultural and Forestry Workers Coordinating Organization (Safwco), started its developmental journey from a small initiative, launched in 1986 by a group of five social activists led by Mr. Suleman G. Abro. Concerned about depleting sources of livelihood and employment, increasing poverty and social deprivation in rural Sindh and propelled by its own vision of sustainable, equitable and just society, Safwco initiated a process of social mobilization in District Sanghar initially. It was apparent at that time that there will be no effective grass roots development and real improvement in living standards of the poor, without an integrated development initiative focused at targeting development initiative focused at targeting poverty from different aspects. From beginning, social mobilization has been a key aspect of Safwco's development strategy. Safwco started its activities with an objective to facilitate people's participation in development on self help basis; and facilitating to build institutional infrastructure in their villages to achieve the goal of sustainable development.

SAFWCO believes in institutional building at grass roots level to support in bringing social change in the society. Hence a common platform that is created and owned by the poor is a pre-requisite through which the poor can make themselves count in the development process. It has made social mobilization as core activity and entry point followed by different development interventions including social and physical service delivery projects, coordinating and networking while emphasizing on gender balance and good governance. The main aim of the program is to mainstream rural poor into socio-economic development and reduce their vulnerability.

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