About Organization
  • Established in: 2009
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Health, Women, Children, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Umerkot
  • SDDO Office Near Civil Hospital Thar Bazar Umerkot
  • Phone: 0238500172
  • Email: sddoukt@gmail.com

Sindh Desert Development Organization with its acronym SDDO a nongovernmental, non profitable development organization was established in year 2005 and registered under the social welfare Act 1961 Registration# F.DO-SW-CD(U.KOT) R-VSWA/2009/16. SDDO was established by the group of young educated people, well concerned with the prevailing socio economic & politico cultural backwardness of the rural population. Witnessing no sigh of relief from any other quarters, they embarked upon the mission to bring the marginalized communities to the mainstream of life by developing their capacities on one hand and more importantly by creating the vision of participatory efforts. The philosophy of participatory efforts materialized in the shape of a well disciplined organization as platform for the rural population to claim their social political, economic and human rights in highly commendable way.

The Vision as well as the mission of SDDO adhered to the commitment of championing the human as well as ethical values by striving for the cause oppressed communities in the context of the their natural as well as social rights, besides this it also has envisioned to explore the areas of socio- economic prosperity by procuring the best possible health and education facilities. In its sprouting age the young leadership of SDDO concentrated to bring the target communities with organizational manifestation. Its first symptom came in the shape of famously known as community organization with acronym of CO. This was indeed the first step of a unified effort in rural areas to bring rural population in a common platform for their common objectives of accessing for basic health, education, enterprise, pure drinking water and such other facilities. SDDO after crossing its budding age has come up with its future discourse by developing comprehensive Vision, Mission and objectives as future working guidelines for its network


SDDO is committed to bring positive changes in the society by promoting equality, peace, harmony and democratization. It works for world of hope, real harmonized economically strong society that can fulfill all fundamental rights of human beings in this part of the country.


To strive for the sustainable development of people with preservation, promotion and enhancement of access to natural resources and basic amenities by minimizing poverty contributing factors and vulnerabilities.


To promote primary education.
To promote the Environment & Secure the special species.
To provide & facilitate in Primary Health
To provide safe drinking Water for Desert Souls.
To promote adult literacy Ratio.
To build the capacity of skilled person.
Promote the cultural values.
To provide Trainings on Midwifery & basic health care works
To improve the socio Economic status of vulnerable group through saving & credit Facilitation for viable income generation activities

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