About Organization
  • Established in: 2005
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Health, Women, Children
  • What We Do: Advocacy
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Peshawar
  • NEPS, Canal Road, Near University Grid Station, Danishabad, Peshawar.
  • Phone: 0915702379
  • Email: Sadapak.org@gmail.com

SADA is a Non-Governmental & Non-Profitable Organization. The sole purposes behind its creation was to bring community wise awareness among the masses. In order to materialize the ambitious vision, literacy, health, environment & empowerment of men & women have been taken as the selected goals. SADA has been duly registered with the Department of Joint Stock Companies & Societies Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.


Socio-economic development of the Poor stratum of society through capacity building of the individuals.


General awareness & motivation of the masses to educate their children, to harness there natural resources & to create a drug free society.


Capacity building male & female in organizational management & sustainable human development.
To develop a drug free society for children through quality primary education, better health facilities, and recreational activities.
To develop & harness natural resources by conserving and enhancing their potential for the use of future generations.
Empowerment of women in all sectors of life & enabling them to go abreast the men in every field of life.
Establishing a well-equipped hospital as well as the establishment of cost free Medical care units.
Promoting health standard & inculcating family planning awareness & its beneficial impact on the lives of the peoples.
Conduction of seminars on natural disaster (land sliding, earth quacks, hurricanes, flood etc), man-made calamities (mine expulsions, bomb blast etc) & rehabilitation of the victims to restart their normal lives.
Promoting primary & basic education for all
Training of FATA Youths to acquire skills in market oriented trades.

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