SDWO is a non-profit organization of area has been working basic human rights specially for women child rights and basic facilities in community base specially on education reproductive health, women land rights water, sanitation and health and hygiene education with focus, in the area of district Sanghar, This is under component sharing involving both community and Government that is to say people are encouraged to do work that they are capable to do, while the work is out of their reach in which more finance required is under taken by Government. Sdwo being working in sanghar.
Sdwo registered in 2000, its vision is to strengthen and organized disadvantage communities through social and technical assistance and develop their linkage with local government and other like minded stakeholders getting their basic rights particularly gaining the access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.
SDWO had initially selective basis of its working strategy pivoted around Interactive communications as tool of social mobilization and awareness rising. Besides the strategy included component “sharing” and on otherwise “independent as well as indivisible working approach to ensure the sect oral integration in order to improve the status of women.
This project has been planed with major activities focusing on the international women day Society will be empowered through different theatre orientations and organization, with the aim of building awareness levels on women discrimination issues. The whole project will be based on gender equality and inclusion social inclusion and participatory approach at all level.
Sindh is rich in natural resources and it is the only one province who provide 70 percent share of income of Pakistan Budget, governance and poor performance of Government institutions were the symbol of Sindh, All development schemes made by Govt were fail due to inefficient performance of all sectors of societies, It is realized that conventional methods alone would not be sufficient to achieve targets. We are willing to try innovative techniques and methods to develop Sindh, we the group of lovers of Sindh made this NGO to work together with policy makers and planning of development Schemes to up lift the life of poor families in Sindh. , this is made for to participate in the process of development and social uplift of the backward communities of the province of Sindh. SDWO have a group of Experts who are working since long time for development of Sindh. In early 92 MS Rafia gulani a prominent Social and human rights Activist encourage youths and lovers of Sindh to form NGO for Social uplift of Depressed Communities of Sindh. SDWO have a group of Peoples who are actively involved in the development projects in the areas of Education, Sustainable Development and sanitation, environmental protection, human rights, advocacy, political education/awareness, primary health care, capacity building of grass-root local CBOs, disaster relief services.
Sindh is faces a chronic short fall of houses the reasons for this is lack of expertise even the state resources are available, In rural areas people live in overcrowded houses as well as open areas in pitiable conditions, In urban areas Katchi Abadis and encroachment of state and private land. It is estimated that 50% of urban population now lives in Katchi Abadis and slums. We are struggling to have a roof over the poor peoples of Sindh.SDWO is participated in the process of development and social uplift of the backward areas of the province of Sindh. SJN is one of the few organizations with a wide-range agenda on development. In its short span of existence, SDWO has been actively involved in the development projects in the areas of non-formal education, sanitation, environmental protection, human rights, advocacy, political education for women women empowerment /awareness, primary health care, capacity building of grass-root local CBOs, disaster relief services.
Every year thousands of children die in Sindh before reaching the age of five years. Thousands of others live without shelter as well as with ill health, disablement, or poor growth. This dilemma is largely preventable, because the knowledge needed to change the conditions, resources within the communities are already exists. The only challenge is to communicate this information and share help so that it becomes part of the basic care of every family and community in Sindh.
In this context the role of communicators becomes extremely relevant and crucial. The NGO’s are metaphor for all forms of delivering information and transmitting ideas to and from people, while community leaders are enjoy special authority to raise public and official awareness and help people involve in major development programs. They can also mobilize the support of government, decision-makers, and community leaders for new major initiatives.
To Work for Sustainable Development and Social up lift of Peoples of Sindh.
To uplift the living standard of the people living in the backward areas of the province of Sindh through participatory, sustainable and integrated development initiatives and to promote and advocate the rights of underprivileged and vulnerable sections of the society.
To work for depressed communities of Sindh
To initiate and educate communities
To promote the understanding of the people on socio-political issues
To sensitize the human rights, women rights and child rights violation issues in the public
To work and Highlight the socio political issues with the support of media campaigns, public forums, seminars, and advocacy campaign; and lobbying with public representative and officials for good governance sustainable human development.
To Monitor and develop Activities of social sections Working in Sindh
To Monitor and participate activities for betterment of up lifting social life of peoples of Sindh and plan policies for Govt. and Civil Societies.
To prepare and development low cost schemes for poor peoples of Sindh
To take active part in development projects of housing, hospitals, education institutions, roads etc and prepare monitoring reports for Government, Policy Makers, civil societies and donors.
To take part and up lift the agriculture environment of Sindh.
To organize Trainings for social Mobilzers and take active part in Social Mobilization against
To develop mechanism for institutions, NGOs how to make sustainable policies for betterment of Sindh Development.
To take part in schemes for Benazir income support and Benazir housing schemes.
To work and prepare research reports for Natural disasters, rain, earth quick and flood.
To plan low paid schemes of loan and small businesses for depressed communities in Sindh.
To plan and work together with planers/donors to develop housing and health schemes for depressed communities of Sindh.
To promote and struggle for the poor families and rights of children and women in Sindh.
To enhance the concept of child first, through mass media and social action.
To publish and circulate literature to mobilize community
To arrange and organize information through training workshops, seminars, public, walks, surveys and entertainment programs for the social, mental and physical development of children.
To ensure participation of the children of Sindh in national and international programs and events.
To encourage co-operation and co-partnership with other association. NGOs, national and international institutions working for the cause of Development of Sindh and poor children and Women
To encourage and promote child literature, and award prizes to selected printed and or audio-video material
To struggle for free and compulsory education to all children
To work for community mobilization about child rights, specially their health, education, environment, safe drinking water and social status.
To work for juvenile Justice.
To work to stop Honors Killing (Karo-Kari).
To work for child rights specially Child Survival Protection and Development (Education and Health)