About Organization
  • Established in: 2018

  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961

  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Disaster, Women, Economic Empowerment

  • What We Do: Awareness Rising, Service Delivery

Contact Details
  • Head Office at Quetta

  • House # 9- B, Chaman Housing Scheme.

  • Phone: 0812864104

  • Email: smart.cso@gmail.com


SMART is a not-for-profit, non ethnical and non-governmental organization established by likeminded young enthusiastic social workers in 1997. It is registered with Social Welfare Department of Government of Balochistan under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Act 1961 in 1999. Its all interventions are humanitarian and development based. SMART mainly falls in the category of development NGO.  The organization works in partnership with government institutions, national and international NGOs and the local and international donors.

The organization itself designs, develops and implements projects which relate to its overall mission and programs. However the organization also sometimes involves in research and advocacy work depending on the projects being implemented.

SMART may also be labelled as support organization as it is very much involved in the formation of groups (local organizations/Community organisations) and building their various capacities through orientation, trainings and handholding.

Online Presence