About Organization
  • Established in: 2003
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Health, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Advocacy, Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Abbottabad
  • House # 4, Street 11, Habibullah Colony, Mandian Abbottabad (KP)
  • Phone: 0992380850
  • Email: info@ssppakistan.org

Social Services Program (SSP) is a registered non-political, non-government and non-commercial/profit organization established in 2003 and registered with Social Welfare Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) under VSWA (R&C) Ordinance 1961. Under the umbrella of SAFRAN SSP was also awarded allow to work status (ATW) by Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern areas and States And Frontier Regions Division via notification bearing number ACR(S)(22)/AR/734, Dated 16th March 2015. SSP signed a formal MoU with the federal government through Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Division vide notification bearing number 2(12) NGO/EAD/2016 dated 27th February 2017, was one of the first five local NGOs who secured this association with EAD.

SSP overall operations are supervised and guided by a 7 member’s Board of Directors chaired by world-renowned Development and Public Health Specialist Dr Waqar Ajmal. Under the close supervision and guidance of the Chair and Co-Chair, a team of committed professional’s (10 member’s core team) trying their level best to run the routine affairs of the organization at the head office level SSP is trying its best to ensure that the most deserving and often neglected segments of the society have equal access to economic, education, health, improved environment, sanitation facilities, clean drinking water, primary health care, irrespective of race, gender and colour.

SSP primary focus is to improve the existing means of livelihoods, through the introduction of nontraditional crops and improved practices, micro-enterprise development through market lead vocational training, mass community mobilization through awareness campaigns, walks and seminar’s etc. The institutional building at the grass-root level is one of the core strength of “SSP”. Community is driven, and led approach is our key to success, and it earned a perfect name for the organization

Social accountability, transparency and impartiality are our core the values, SSP has established a network of local institutions. Under local management system, these institutions are linked with line departments and their capacities are also built through different skills enhancement training. Most vulnerable and wiling families are encouraged and motivated to come forward and play their due role in the overall development of their own area and thus it provides an opportunity to the most vulnerable families to get benefit from different programmatic interventions.

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