Social Services Program (SSP) is a registered non-political, non-government and non-commercial/profit organization established in 2003 and registered with Social Welfare Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) under VSWA (R&C) Ordinance 1961 and Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern areas and States And Frontier Regions Division via notification bearing number ACR(S)(22)/AR/734, Dated 16th March 2015.
SSP overall operations are supervised and guided by a 7 member’s Board of Directors chaired by world renowned Development and Public Health Specialist Dr.Waqar Ajmal. Under the close supervision and guidance of the BoD, a team of committed professional’s trying their level best to uplift and to address the core issues faced by the most neglected and often deprived communities throughout KP, by ensuring their access to economic opportunities, education, improved environment, access to (clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities), access to primary health care, gender equality and community empowerment through participatory development initiative.
SSP primary focus is to improve the existing means of livelihood, introduction of nontraditional cash crops, micro enterprise development, market lead vocational trainings, mass community mobilization through awareness campaigns, walks and seminar’s etc. Institutional building at the grass root level is one the core strength of “SSP”, reduction in mortality rate and creation of a hygienic environment is the prime goal of our Primary Health Care interventions. Community Participation, ownership is our main keys of success. Social accountability, transparency and impartiality are our core values, community oriented and driven approach earned a very good name to SSP at the grass root level, it boosted our level of TRUST and CONFIDENCE with the target communities.
SSP has established a net-work of local institutions and under local management system is building their capacities through different skills enhancement trainings. Most vulnerable and wiling families are encouraged and motivated to come forward and play their due role in the overall development of their own area and thus it provides an opportunity to the most vulnerable families to get benefit from different programmatic interventions.
Social Services Program (SSP) envisions to launch a self sustain development model for poverty, illiteracy and mortality reduction in the target areas through the provision of basic social and economic infrastructure and by enabling them to assess, plan, manage, control and to optimally utilize available resources for themselves.
To create an enabling environment,for relevant stakeholders to contribute to the ongoing development efforts, to reduce poverty, illiteracy and mortality rate in the target areas through the provision of basic social and economic infrastructure to individuals, groups, families and formal institutions, to bring about a positive social change through self help and partnership at all levels.
1- The existing means of livelihoods will be improved and multiplied through the development of rural areas and resources of the land, undertake support measures, programs, plans and schemes for rural development and its socio-economic welfare and modernization.
2- Progressive and willing farmers are provided with improved Agriculture supplies and technical knowhow with special focus on the promotion of horticulture industry. Extension services are also provided in the selected areas.
3- Effective measures are being taken for the promotion of both formal and non-formal education in close coordination with education Department.
4- MCH programs will be launched to improve mother and child health through awareness raising and mass community mobilization, free medical camps, etc.
5- To address and fill the gender gap, female’s focused programs are launched and priority will be given to CFW and CFT etc.
6- A network of formal institutions is being developed and capacitated to take the development initiatives at their own level.
7- To support vulnerable families/individuals of disaster/conflict stricken areas through Disaster Risk Reduction measures/management, relief, early recovery and development activities.