Society for the Advancement of Community Health Education and Training (SACHET) Pakistan is an advocacy and service delivery organization on issues of SRHR & ASRHR through gender and development (GAD) approaches since its inception in 1999.SACHET has undertaken several advocacy initiatives with sustainable impacts, as well as service delivery initiatives with both international donor support as well as increasing philanthropic support rooted in the indigenous context. SACHET was established with a mission of “Promoting human development with disadvantaged communities in Gender perspectives”
SACHET has been working in social sector with the aim of assisting disadvantaged communities in realization and attainment of their human rights; enabling them to live with dignity and respect. SACHET works holistically to provide necessary support and facilitation in four key program areas: health, education, livelihood and trainings by provision of essential services, advocacy, communication, information dissemination, research and training of youth and adolescents and building up community partnerships. SACHET has vast and substantive experience in advocacy and service delivery of primary health care, sexual and reproductive health and rights, education with a clear focus on gender mainstreaming and gender equality, as well as consciousness on practical and strategic gender needs. SACHET also deals with sensitive issues of violence against women, girls and children, within the broader domain of reproductive health programming. SACHET has worked in all regions and provinces of Pakistan, through advocacy related projects like “Reproductive Health Initiatives for Youth in Asia”. It extended its linkages with a vast range of stakeholders including government, key duty bearers, civil society, NGOs/CBOs, students and youth groups, media, academia and volunteers.
For lat 16 years SACHET Pakistan has been collaborating with diverse communities across Pakistan by implementing its research and need based programs through its advocacy and service delivery approach. SACHET has proven experience in evidence based research and problem diagnoses of underprivileged communities for coping up their problems through need-assessment based program development, which has produced sustainable results.
We strive in partnership with community, public & civic society organization, to develop a society based on three core values of sustainable human development: self esteem, freedom of choice and tolerance; a society where all have equal access to opportunities and justice irrespective of gender, color, race, religion and status.
“Promoting Human Development of the Disadvantaged in Gender Perspectives”
To promote gender awareness and sensitivity in Pakistan
To narrow the gender gaps in health, education and economic participation
To promote economic empowerment of the underprivileged through skill development
To promote awareness and sensitivity about Reproductive Health (RH) rights, information, education and services
To promote development investments for Pakistani youth
To promote gender sensitive media advocacy on development issues especially HIV/AIDS, Youth and Gender based violence