Society for Education and Development (SED) is a non government nonprofit organization established in 2003. SED was officially registered on February 04, 2003 under the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860 vide registration No. RS/SKP/1536/2003/2033.
A society in which each individual has its basic social, political and economic rights
To establish a democratic society formed on the principles of equality, justice and tolerance in which each individual could have economic, social and political self reliance and independence.
To work for agriculture development and food security
To work for the eradication of conflicts and peace building
To work for the conservation of natural resources and environment
To Work for the eradication of poverty
To Work for the improvement of WASH situation
To conduct research activities on different issues and share the findings with stakeholders in order to highlight the key areas
Work for the creation of an Educated community
To develop and enabling environment through civic education, lobbying, advocacy and capacity building to exercise human rights and democracy
To mobilize the community socially and actively in participatory manners through local support structure development and citizen empowerment