About Organization
  • Established in: 2009

  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Women, Children

  • What We Do: Service Delivery

Contact Details
  • Head Office at Islamabad

  • Flat # 1, Iqbal Plaza, Near Anwaar-e-Madina Mosque, Commercial Area, Soan Garden, Islamabad

  • Email: info@ssd.com.pk


Society for Sustainable Development (SSD) was established in 2007 by a group of youngactivists and professionals working in different development sector organizations. SSD is womenled organization; Dr. AsmaBokhari is well known development professional respected in thesector because of her technical expertise and integrity, is an elected chairperson of the SSD. BoDcomprises of seven members who are all experts in their relevant fields.

In very short span of time SSD has progressed from being a local NGO working in Chakwalonly; to the status of a national NGO with international focus. It has its central CoordinationOffice in Islamabad and active offices in Noshehra and Dera Ismael Khan in KhyberPakhtoonkwah province, and Quetta in Baluchistan province. The regional offices have been set up in collaboration with local organizations serve as the hub of local networks of CBOs working at the grass roots level withvulnerable and marginalized communities.

SSD has its presence in almost all the provinces and regions of Pakistan and has extensive grassroots level outreach through its own offices and through its partners in almost 70% of thedistricts in Pakistan. Realizing the great potential of the internet and social networks, SSD hasmaintained a very active web presence through its website, twitter account, Facebook page andFacebook group. There are around 10000 members of SSD group on Face Book and it is healthyand active platform for discussing and debating social issues.SSD has sound capacity in terms of implementation of different types of projects, managinggrants, policy and media advocacy, capacity building of civil society organizations, leadershipdevelopment, partnership building and networking, carrying out studies and representing civil society organizations at different national and international forums.


Pakistan as a country where developmentinitiatives are rights based, gendersensitive, sustainable and owned by thedisadvantaged, vulnerable, marginalizedand disempowered communities


To support sustainable, co-ordinated,rights based and gender sensitive civilsociety actions for the development andprogress of disadvantaged, vulnerable,marginalized and disempowered communities of Pakistan

Online Presence