Soofi Sachal Sarmast Welfare Association (SSSWA) was established in 1996 to undertake activities of social welfare through community participation. The organization was registered with Social Welfare Department, Government of Sindh under Social Welfare Act 1961 in 1997.It is a matter of honour for the organization that some 40 persons in which 25 males and 15 Females related with different walk of life, are the founders of the organization and they contribute RS: 10 per month to run the affairs of the organization. Hence, the community is main back up of this organization. Since its establishment, organization is working for the deprived groups such as illiterate masses of the area on self-support basis. Since then the organization has organized several awareness programs in villages to motivate rural communities for taking self-initiatives for solving their problems. The organization has specially focused rural woman. It launched a "educate women" campaign in the project area. In spite of stringent cultural norms, the campaign met a marked success. The organization also provides freebooks to poor students.