About Organization
  • Established in: 2015
  • Themes & Interventions: Disaster, Women, Children
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Islamabad
  • Office # 14, 3rd Floor, Al-Baber Centre, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad0
  • Phone: 0512287298
  • Email: info@ssdo.org.pk

SSDO is a research based advocacy organization working on issues of peace and sustainable development in Pakistan.SSDO has an experience of working on projects related to social accountability, civic education, peace education, women empowerment, combating early child marriages in Pakistan. SSDO has strong networking with relevant stakeholders across Pakistan.


To contribute to the well-being of society for establishing an institutionalized system of social development through emphasizing a responsible citizenship.


To ensure citizens’ rights by fostering purposeful legislation, law enactment, stakeholders empowerment, good governance and service delivery.


To provide a mediating as well as consultative platform to relevant stakeholders including public officials, elected representatives and society at large; to come together and help improving the state of democracy, human rights and development in the country by sharing ideas and devising policy recommendations.
To build capacity of civil society, policy makers, government sector, and professionals through trainings, policy dialogues and information dissemination from different fields to ensure efficiency and responsiveness.
To promote peace, social justice and harmony in society through developing an impetus at the local and national level for emphasizing the rule of law.
To extend technical support through research and evidence based advocacy to the development sector for effective and efficient development interventions.

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