About Organization
  • Established in: 2008
  • Registration Law: Societies Registration Act 1860
  • Themes & Interventions: Education
  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Research, Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Karachi
  • 83/4 Deh Dih, Ibrahim Hyderi Road, Taluka Korangi District, Karachi.
  • Phone: 02135090208
  • Email: info@hunarfoundation.org

The Hunar Foundation's (THF) key objective is to provide young adults with international standard vocational training that meets the expectations of the market, leading to employment or small business creation - and eventually economic freedom and empowerment. THF offers this opportunity to the underprivileged and marginalized segments of society where the need is more urgent.

Today THF has eight institutes (six for men and two for women), to be increased to 11 BYTHE END OF 2022

By 2030, the goal is to train and certify 100,000 young men and women annually into bread earners for their families. This mean almost 800,000 dependents will be lofted out of poverty and will be supported by the graduates for their heath ad education  needs. . The real aim is to act as a catalyst to promote vocational training in Pakistan, raise the bar of technical training in Pakistan with international qualifications, and make our graduates employable in Pakistan and abroad.


of international standards. The workshops are well equipped to meet industry environments and the courses designed to meet industry requirements. This ensures a high degree of employability for THF graduates. In addition, the students are taught IT and English language communication. Importance is also given to work ethics, moral and social values.


The Cooperative Vocational Training (CVT) scheme addresses the need for demand oriented training by combining vocational courses in training institutions with On-The-Job training in enterprises; at THF and in partner industry.

The department lists the opportunities with requirements from specific organizations, and arrange for Exhibitions/Job Fairs at each institute.


Placement Department at Corporate Headquarter oversees the working of every institution's Placement Office, their frequency of visits, job postings and follow up of queries.

The department lists the opportunities with requirements from specific organizations, and arrange for Exhibitions/Job Fairs at each institute.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 4 Quality Education

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