Title: The Laboratory for Women’s Rights Online
Donor Agency: French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Min. Budget: Euro 40,000
Max. Budget: Euro 60,000
Launched on International Women’s Day on 8 March 2024, the Laboratory for Women’s Rights Online is a platform for dialogue and an incubator for projects that aims to fight against online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence.
The projects chosen in the annual call for projects will receive support from the Laboratory’s members and funding from the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, which ensures the Laboratory’s Secretariat.
This multi-party initiative, announced at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, brings together many stakeholders: States, international organizations, regulatory authorities, civil society organizations, private platforms, private companies, activists, researchers and experts specialized in gender in the digital realm.
Actions funded under this call for proposals must contribute to equality between women and men (OECD CAD 2 marker) and to one or more of the following themes covered by the Laboratory:
Theme 1: Combating gender-based violence online and facilitated by technology
Theme 2: Risks related to emerging technologies, algorithms and moderation
Theme 3: Prevention and digital education
Theme 4: Research on masculinist content and networks