About Organization
  • Established in: 1968
  • Themes & Interventions: Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Islamabad
  • United Nations Industrial Development Org. 7th Floor, Serena Business Complex
  • Phone: 0518354803
  • Email: office.pakistan@unido.org

Established in 1968 the office has extensive and successful experience in industrial development cooperation. This experience has been gained through a continuous interaction with the public and private sectors and by implementing over 50 projects covering many industrial sectors. The projects aim at building indigenous (human and/or institutional) capacity to enhance the industrialization process of Pakistan in a sustainable way. UNIDO Areas of Support include the following:

Industrial competitiveness:

UNIDO provides a variety of technical cooperation activities, encouraging value-addition in the agricultural sector and industrial competitiveness to increase employment opportunities for urban and rural communities.

Sustainable energy for all:

UNIDO provides technical assistance to government partners and the private sector to support sustainable energy for all.

Clean production and green industry:

The UNIDO environment programme focuses on providing cleaner production technologies in industrial sectors, supporting green industry and implementing environmental agreements.

Trade capacity building:

UNIDO provides support to government institutions like the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Commerce (MoC), Ministry of Science and Technology, and to national bodies such as the National Physical Standards Lab, Pakistan National Accreditation Council, Pakistan Standard Quality Agency, Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, universities, etc. to build trade capacity with support from the European Union. UNIDO provided technical assistance for sector-specific value chain development resulting in the launch of a National Quality Policy and development of an internationally recognized National Accreditation Institute. The International Trade Centre develops trade policy with the MoC by sensitising policy makers and the private sector on the World Trade Organization led multi-lateral trading system. The World Intellectual Property Organization supports Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management with the Intellectual Property Organization Pakistan to establish an IPR legal and regulatory framework.

Technical and vocational education:

The UNIDO education programme promotes demand driven education and training.

Women entrepreneurship:

The UNIDO Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme focuses on integrating women into highly non-traditional sectors such as marble, gems/jewellery and home textiles by applying a UNIDO value chain analysis model and implementing innovative strategies to train and connect women with the value chain as producers and entrepreneurs and as productive members of industry.

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