About Organization
  • Established in: 1997
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Health, Women, Children, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Gilgit
  • C.11 First floor, snowleapard market, Shah-e- qaid Azam, Jutial, Gilgit.
  • Phone: 05811455321
  • Email: Vado.org@gmail.com

Vershegom Area Development Organization (VADO) has been actively engaged in various rights and development projects in GilgitBaltistan since 1997. So far we have established vocational centers for women, schools, arranged a number of skill development centers, legislation of child protection, child labor, corporal punishment, and early marriages on chi courses for both male and female in various important areas such as handicraft development, business promotion, and gender. But we have not so far been able to address the real issue of environment, and social development. VADO has various programs for different stakeholders in partnership with different partners including Planning and Development Department, Women Development Department, IUCN, UNICEF. Federal Ombudsmen and AKDN.


Striving for equitable development with special focus on improving standard of life of downtrodden communities including vulnerable children and women of rural areas.


Assist and facilities women to participate in economic activities and political process.
To render child and youth development.
Develop an enabling environment to support women for socio-economic change.
Increase in education level and literacy rate of the area.
Slow down fertility rate and raise the awareness on reproductive health issues and population problems.

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