About Organization
  • Established in: 2008
  • Themes & Interventions: Women, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Ghotki
  • VDO, Office Bhittai Nagar Mathelo Road, Ghotki, sindh.
  • Phone: 0723665289
  • Email: vdoaligtk@gmail.com

Village Development Organization (VDO) is nonprofit organization working for empowerment of neglected communities in tribal zone of Sindh. It was formed Human rights Activist, Social workers, development professional, technocrats and Economist of Sindh. It was established in December 25, 1993. It is registered under Society Act XXI – 1860 in Sindh. It is right based organization and contributed for socio economic condition of socially excluded communities through initiating the innovative and result oriented project for betterment of communities. It is reached to the 3 Million people through initiating the different development, education and education project in Sindh. VDO in its development programs gives importance to disadvantageous social groups, such as women, Haris (sharecroppers), small landowners and wage earners. It has main objectives of promoting democracy, human rights, and good governance, mobilize disadvantageous social groups such as women, Haris (peasants), small farmers, landless labourers and other poor people for their socioeconomic empowerment, enhance capacity of communities, NGOs and civil society organizations through trainings, workshops, seminars and learning tours, facilitate to increase social infrastructure (health, education, water, alternate energy, roads) through participatory interventions, engage in research and advocacy for sustainable development, women empowerment and poverty alleviation and support the communities for conservation of natural resources in Sindh, Pakistan.


Every woman, man and child leads a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity.


To end hunger and poverty by sustainable livelihood by improving quality of education,
ensuring basic health, protecting human rights, promoting peace and harmony in Sindh


· To make efforts for sustainable development by providing sustainable livelihood opportunities
in agriculture and small enterprise development.
· To make awareness for human rights among the rural communities specially violence against
women, child labor, child abuse and trafficking.
· To enhance the skill of women and men through capacity development program.
· To take initiatives for the promotion of sustainable agriculture and natural resources.
· To make improvement in raising social standard of poor, minorities and women.
· To provide social, political/ and educational awareness among the rural communities and
develop linkages for the improvement of these services at the grass root level.

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