About Organization
  • Established in: 1989
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Disaster, Health, Women, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Abbottabad
  • Office No. 4, 1st floor Zia Plaza Mansehra Road Abbottabad KP PAKISTAN
  • Phone: 0992412690
  • Email: info@waj.org.pk

Background and Inception
Welfare Association Jared (WAJ) emerged in 1988 as a non-profit and non-governmental rights based development organization to:

Work for the rights of deprived and marginalized communities
Integrate the marginalised into mainstream development process
Actively advocate their livelihood and fundamental human rights
To bring about the much needed policy and institutional changes in the state structures.
From 1988 to 1993 WAJ remained an advocacy-oriented CBO focusing on environmental issues, particularly deforestation in Kaghan Valley. WAJ, with the support of Sungi Development Foundation mobilised a network of civil society activists to organise campaigns related to change in forest laws in KPK (the then NWFP) and ban on forest cooperative societies. Sarhad Awami Forestry Ittehad (SAFI) was formed as a result of joint efforts of NGOs/CBOs in KPK.

The devastating floods of 1992 brought WAJ into direct contact with local communities as it mobilised emergency relief work in the area. Their increased contact with communities brought out the demand for environment friendly and sustained development support. At the same time, the organisation realized that a number of human factors were responsible for aggravating the devastation of flooding, particularly poor natural resource management. WAJ established networks of village organization (VOs) of both men and women, first time in the history of area. A supreme council comprise of local elders and ex-councillors was formed to guide WAJ in political matters.

WAJ played very effective role in LG election 2001 and 2005 and motivated women take part in LG election as contestant and voters first time. With the assistance of TVO, CIDA, BHC, FNF, UNDP and other donors, WAJ with the support of Sungi implemented an integrated Community Support Programme, while sustaining its policy of advocacy initiatives. By 1997, WAJ had gained sufficient experience in community development and advocacy. The organization enjoyed respect and confidence of the civil society.

Approach towards Development

WAJ with the support of donors started work on rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure in valley Kaghan and completed dozen of projects i.e. link road, drinking water supply scheme, irrigation water channel, retaining walls to protect land from soil erosion etc.

The programme Area
The selection of WAJ initial programme areas was based on a region's level of poverty and willingness of rural communities to become partners of WAJ. The district Mansehra was  selected as initial potential programme area of WAJ because the main mission of the organization was sustainable development of communities with conservation of NR protection for a economic, political and environmental well being of the target area people.


Head Office
Head office is established in Abbottabad district, working directly with the community and women's forums. The head office co-ordinate the programme implementation in the field with the help of fields unit Jared which is property of WAJ.

The programme area is situated in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The specific target area of WAJ is Hazara division, the fragile mountainous ecosystem of rural area of the district. However organization would gradually expand it geographically and programmatically across the country and as per need of the community.

The target area has great potential for development with large human and NR base, however the existing geo-political and socio-economic environment is not congenial and the productivity is far below the existed potential. Most of target communities are of rural background with no awareness about the fundamental human rights.

Basic health, education and sanitation issues are very serious in this area. Girls and women are highly discriminated against in the field of formal education, technical education, reproductive health and overall economic independence. Environmental problems, particularly the problem of sewerage and sanitation, community wastes disposal, unsafe drinking water, etc are threatening to the poor. The overall district development indicator (DDI) is below 15 in number among 25th of the province district and, that is decades behind the level of development observed for average Pakistani areas.

Another important factor that helped the WAJ management conceived its establishment was the realization that most of past work done to address the issues related to development, gender mainstreaming, environmental up-gradation and poverty reduction in Pakistan has remained either academic or has only benefited a very limited part and portion of the society. Most of the past development initiatives had not been proved as effective as was expected, due to lack of real commitment of the relevant stakeholders form the uplifting of marginalized community, overall development and social change. We feel that positive social and economic change is possible only through meaningful and productive involvement of local community. While Pakistan does not have long tradition of civil society movement, there is huge gap between the government and civil society organization (CSO)s. WAJ believe that the dream of a more aware, skilled and vibrant society can not be achieved in isolation or passive engagement of government and Government Line Agencies (GLAs) at the local level.

Ecological Rehabilitation:
WAJ contributed to social and ecological harmony through awareness raising, networking and capacity building. WAJ envisions itself as self-sustaining process oriented institution for just and balanced society at local and regional level at large.

With overall goal of conservation of natural resources and contribution to solving global environmental problems, WAJ launched various activities to achieve:

A shift/change in development policies for harmonious development at local level
Institutional development through support from and to other organizations
Exploration and demonstration of use of alternatives for effective conservation of natural resources
Investigate and document indigenous knowledge and demonstrate its integration with conservation programs as model for replication
WAJ is registered under Social Welfare Act 1961 as non-government organization. WAJ is a development entity playing an important role in development of deprived and disadvantaged segments of society, particularly in its rural areas of district Mansehra. WAJ believes in sustainable development through providing support, training NR promotion and access to economic and social development opportunities.

“Democratic, Peaceful, prosperous and environment friendly society”

"Bring about democratic stability, social harmony and economic prosperity by mobilizing the marginalized community and youth in a way so that they may be able to transform their lives as an active citizen by promoting and protecting human rights, NR conservation, and better use of human resources.”

Promoting democracy and peace
Social harmony
Poverty alleviation
Youth engagement
Environmental protection and promotion
To create awareness among the marginalized women, men and youth about fundamental rights, democracy, peace and social harmony
To develop a cadre of women, men and youth active citizenry ensure the preservation of living environment
To build strong productive linkages with government institutions, policy makers, religious leaders and politicians for the improvement of peace, tolerance and harmony
To design and implement special skill development programmers for youth to mainstream them in national mainstream
To design program for women cater their practical needs

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