Youth population is the future of a nation. A well-educated, well-trained, well-mannered, disciplined and hardworking youth is the harbinger of a prosperous, progressive and bright future of a nation. It is the most precious asset of a nation which needs to be saved, protected, properly brought up, guided and efficiently utilized for changing the destiny of a nation. A far-sighted leadership gives priority to youth development and strives to make optimum use of this capital by refining its talent and potential. Pakistan is lucky to have majority of population in the youth age group. It can rightfully hope for a healthy and bright future by appropriately channelizing this talent.
Along with producing the purchasable products at a large scale, the country is also facing a ray of daunting challenges all around; inappropriate lack of awareness about Human Rights, waste management, environmental degradation, extreme poverty, illiteracy, low wages, load-shedding, bonded labour, excessive drug use, and child labour are the prominent to name among others. These challenges were steadily increasing every passing day. Looking at the scenario, a group of young seven self-motivated and visionary persons teamed up to address societal challenges. For this purpose, they felt need of and established an organization named as Youth Advocacy Council-Pakistan (YAC) in 2009. Through various interventions, the organization has significantly contributed in development of marginalized communities particularly youth by reducing sufferings, fostering economic empowerment, minimizing vulnerabilities, building capacities, promoting human rights, raising awareness, promoting environmental sustainability, delivering basic services, helping out in emergencies, and discouraging gender disparity.
Initiating with limited resources and activities, the organization now gears up to emerge as one of the organizations in the province. It has been leaping forward to supersede all other organizations by extending its collaborations, establishing networks particularly for community and youth, undertaking multifarious interventions in communities, promptly addressing issues, exploring new avenues for cooperation and development, and empowering communities particularly youth to make them self-reliant.
Youth Advocacy Council-Pakistan (YAC) on Strengthen the Communities specifically youth was formed by a group of youth participants across Pakistan. We aim at creating a forum of youth for dialogue, discussion, and cooperation about local community’s issues identify and priorities and solve the problems with the liaising of Government department.
Enable Youth for Social Development & Economic Empowerment
Strengthening Youth for Change
Developing Youth leadership through experiential learning, capacity building, advocacy, volunteerism and professional experiences.
Improving quality of life of communities specifically youth, by campaigning and advocacy for the implementations of Laws and inclusive Policies
Enabling Youth as a catalyst for change and societal transformation for sustainable socio-economic development
Bridging the gap among Academia, Policy makers and Development practitioners with a global network of talented youth.
Promoting peace, harmony and ensuring equality for humans
Strengthen the Communities specifically youth was formed by a group of youth participants across Pakistan
To enhance awareness and understanding of the marginalized community, especially youth about their rights, social issues and to strengthen them through advocacy & lobbying
To promote democratic good governance and protect human rights, with special focus on youth
To develop strong professional relations with government line departments, local/national/international NGOs, and Donors