About Organization
  • Established in: 2018
  • Themes & Interventions: Environment, Women, Children
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Lahore
  • 50-B, Bridge Colony, Lahore
  • Phone: 04236676123
  • Email: info@youthparliament.org.pk

Pakistan currently has the largest cohort of young people in its history and subsequent cohorts are projected to be even larger. More than half of Pakistan’s population comprises of individuals less than twenty years and 25 million aged 15-24. This huge populace includes young adolescents and youth full of energy, oozing with enthusiasm and patriotism with a brain full of ideas, a heart filled with sensitivity and a mind bursting with dreams of a brighter tomorrow for self, the community and the country. The robust bodies and able minds of today’s Pakistani youth however remain unbridled, unguided and without a clear vision for life and opportunities for the application of their energies for a greater cause or community service. The consequent agitated, frustrated soul in the unstructured and chaotic environment where morals and values are fast getting diluted finds solace in negative pursuits in the absence of leadership, a level playfield of opportunities and tangible well-defined roles and activities. They wobble on unsteady grounds of life without a proper direction & vision.
On the other hand is a fairly large section of the society of the old, the underprivileged, the impoverished victims who for one reason or another find themselves abandoned, sick and un served. These forsaken and deserted individuals fight a loosing battle of their dignity and self-esteem as silent spectators at the mercy of insensitive relatives and an indifferent community that has no institutions for their care, patronage, protection or guardianship. These abandoned souls were once useful, productive potent members of our community but today are without a fixed abode, are lonely and without any economic, social or emotional support. Then are the sick and wounded in hospitals, the bonded laborers, the children without opportunities for learning and the victims of violence and exploitation; all of them are without a SAHARA.

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