Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study’s Individual Fellowship


The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) is offering Individual Fellowships to scholars who wish to carry out independent research in the humanities and the social sciences.

This Fellowship allows scholars to come to Amsterdam and become members of a diverse, interdisciplinary collaborative learning community where one can challenge boundaries, explore detours, and get new perspectives.

Funding Information
  • Personal stipends are offered to fellows without an affiliation and fellows from outside the Netherlands. Fellows are granted a monthly stipend of €2.500 per month.
Who can apply?
  • NIAS Individual Fellowships are awarded to scholars, both from the Netherlands and abroad.
  • NIAS does not accept applicants (whatever their nationality) affiliated to a Russian or Belarusian university or research institute. Applicants with a Russian or Belarusian nationality who are affiliated to a research institution not part of Russia or Belarus, may apply.
  • Applicants should have at least three years of academic experience since they obtained their PhD-degree and their project proposal should be related to the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • NIAS Individual Fellowships are also open to scholars who do not have a fixed position at a university or research institute. The institute aims for a balanced year group in terms of academic cultures, gender, phase in career, and disciplines.
  • A NIAS fellowship does not constitute an employment relationship. During the fellowship, the fellow is and remains an employee of his or her own university or research institute, or remains a self-employed researcher. Subsequently, NIAS is not obligated to make social insurance contributions or to contribute to a pension or unemployment insurance.
  • NIAS fellows are required to be physically present at NIAS at least four days per week.
  • For the complete duration of the Fellowship Agreement, every fellow needs to be released as much as possible from teaching-, supervision-, and administrative obligations.
  • Fellows attend all weekly seminars during their fellowship period.
  • During the academic year of their fellowship at NIAS, fellows are required to conduct a minimum of two peer reviews of fellowship applications on behalf of the institute.
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