The Open Heart Foundation has announced that they have started receiving nominations for Sharjah International Award for Refugee Advocacy and Support. Here is their message:
The Big Heart Foundation (TBHF) is a Sharjah-based global humanitarian charity dedicated to helping refugees and people in need worldwide.
We are sending the following to inform you that we are now receiving nominations for the fourth edition of the Sharjah International Award for Refugee Advocacy and Support (SIARA), which is organized in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
The award’s winner will receive AED 500,000 (US$136,000) as a special contribution by TBHF. The award is established in support of any organization, across Asia and Africa, that has made an extraordinary humanitarian effort to improve the lives of refugees, internally displaced or stateless people.
We encourage you to send your nominations via our website Sharjah International Award Nomination Form, before December 17, 2019.
Should you have any further inquiry, please make sure to drop us an email at