The One Million Leaders Asia (OMLAS) is seeking applications to recruits young Asian talents and awards them with an OMLAS Fellowship.
Fellows receive a two-month training in aspects such as Transformative Leadership, Sustainability, Social Innovation, and Social Entrepreneurship and are supported in the implementation of Community Projects.
After graduating from the Fellowship Program, Fellows can join the OMLAS Alumni community and continue to work with other young leaders in Asia, Africa, Latin America and MENA (Middle East and North Africa).
OML Fellowship Program Phases
- Phase 1: Fellows’ Intensive Training
- Fellows’ Intensive Training is the first phase, where selected young leaders receive intensive training based on the five pillars of the OML Fellowship Curriculum. These selected young leaders are referred to as Fellows.
- Phase 2: Leadership Challenge
- Fellows take on a leadership challenge to connect, inspire, and empower young leaders in their communities as they pass on their learnings and build a team. They call this second tier of young leaders Champions, and each Fellow is expected to build a team of at least 20 Champions (50 in OMLA). In this phase, Fellows will also be provided with a series of Masterclasses on key sustainability topics, while they lead the training with their Champions.
- Phase 3: Act-For-Change
- Fellows enter into a project implementation phase in collaboration with the team they built in Phase 2. Based on a rigorous screening process, selected fellows will be able to do their own projects to innovate around key sustainability challenges in their communities with a micro-grant from NELIS. Fellows may propose themes based on what they perceive to be key social and environmental challenges in their community or country.
- Phase 4: Graduation and OML Alumni Community
- All Fellows and Champions who have successfully completed the Fellowship will graduate as OML leaders and may join the global OML Alumni Community. They will help connect, inspire, and empower NexGen leaders around the world and gain access to the networking and empowerment opportunities provided in and through the Alumni Community.
Who is an OML Leader?
- An OML Leader is a youth who has a burning passion to create a significant and positive impact in their community; who is willing to learn the required skills and tools to make this positive change happen; who desires to inspire and empower other youths, and who is eager to join a global network of changemakers.
What to expect?
- Training: Intensive online training (2-3 months) on the Five OML Fellowship Program Pillars
- Opportunity to mentor young leaders: Opportunity to grow as a leader and mentor other NexGen sustainability leaders
- Support for your project: Support in your Leadership Challenge and Act-for-Change phase (project implementation)
- Micro-grants for selected projects: Unique opportunities to implement your own/your teams’ community projects or social innovation projects (for selected projects)
- Local2Global Networking: Local and global networking opportunities for graduates, long-term engagement in the global OML Alumni Community
- Access to the One Million Leaders (OML) APP: All applicants to the OML Fellowship Program, whether selected or not, receive free access to the OML App
OMLAS Expectations of Fellows and Champions
- Acquiring Essential Skills
- Willingness to learn the necessary skills and tools to lead and help implement positive change.
- Local and Global Collaboration
- Eagerness to empower others and to join a global network of changemakers committed to driving positive impact worldwide.
Who can apply?
- Passionate for sustainable and ethical action and community development
- Committed to lead and mentor other youths for positive social change
- Engaged in social/ environmental/ sustainability areas
- Willing to commit to complete the training program and have access to the internet
- Region-specific requirements
- Age: Between 18 to 40 at the time of application
- Language: English
- Education: Bachelor’s degree running or above