As part of Accountability Lab Pakistan’s Coronavirus CivActs Campaign, the team is launching a Virtual Media Caravan to receive idea submissions from passionate journalists, bloggers and Youtuber content creators centered on the theme of building resilience against COVID-19. Over the past several months, AL Pakistan has taken various actions and developed creative ideas to try and build resilience in the challenging times of the coronavirus pandemic. Now, you too can take part in this creative process! If you are an inspiring journalist, blogger and/or Youtuber dedicated to fighting the hopelessness that comes with COVID-19, you can land an opportunity to inspire others by sharing the stories of unsung champions of COVID -19.
Through pitching COVID-19 resilience stories of people from the most marginalized communities of Pakistan, such as those discriminated against becaus e of their gender, sex, caste, disability, language, or religion, you can help generate hope, resilience and positivity amongst all during this hard-hitting crisis. The 10 shortlisted participants with the best ideas will be awarded a small grant to produc e creative stories, blogs and short films using different formats. The finalist will be selected based on his or her story, commitment to the cause, and diversity of geographical region they belong to, and will have the exciting opportunity to gain mentorship from a young and emerging writer/filmmaker and blogger, through virtual networking.
If you have any questions pertaining to the submission of ideas, please write us at before Friday, 22nd of July 2022.
If you are ready to pitch real stories on COVID-19 resilience building at both the individual and the community level, submit your idea using the below links for submission, for a story, blog and/or video before Friday, July 22nd, 2022, no later than 5:00pm PST.
For English Submissions: Click Here
For Urdu Submissions, Click Here