About Organization
  • Established in: 2003
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Formal Education, Non-formal Education, Adult Literacy, Teachers Training, Enrollment, Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, Schools Infrastructure, Environment Protection, Disaster, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation, Emergency Response, Women, Women’s Rights, Children, Child Labor, Street Children, Girl Child, Livelihood, Entrepreneurship, Skill Training, Peace and Tolerance, Interfaith Harmony
  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Advocacy, Research, Service Delivery, Capacity Building
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Islamabad
  • MIED HQ House # 1, Street # 1, Gulshan-E-Fatima Rawalpindi in front of I-16/1 Islamabad c/o MIED Registered Office House# 597, street 48, G-10/4 Islamabad
  • Phone: 03009882462
  • Email: info@mied.org

Established in 2003, Mountain Institute for Education & Development (MIED) Pakistan is a not-for-profit national NGO, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and set up as a company under section 42 of the companies’ ordinance 1984. Since its inception, MIED has been working in partnership with financial support from various INGOs in Pakistan and UN organizations on capacity building, institutional development, resource mobilization and empowerment of local communities in remote & conflict-affected districts of Pakistan. The Registration history of MIED Pakistan is as follows:

  • Currently Registered with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) “A company set up under section 42 of the companies ordinance 1984” Registration # 0107195
  • NPO Certified Civil Society Organization by PCP-2010/203, and Renewal of PCP-R1/2014/203 and PCP-R2/2018/203
  • Previously Registered with:
  • Societies Act.1860 in Islamabad, with registration# RS/ICT/715 of   2011 and Verified till March 2017 with a slightly different name "Mountain Institute for Educational Development (MIED)"
  • Society Act. 1860 in Peshawar May 6, 2006 and Annual Renewals till May 4, 2011 (Registration #s  804/5/4638, 998/5/4638, 411/5/4638, 1583/5/4638, 787/5/4638)

Established in 2003 as Local NGO

Objectives of MIED:

  1. To establish, manage, maintain, own, administer, promote and subsidize educational institutions, computer literacy centers, schools, colleges, institutions for study and research, centers of learning, reading rooms, and other institutions for basic education, adult literacy, advanced studies and other educational fora with the permission of competent authority but not to act as a degree awarding institute.
  2. To provide scholarships to students and grant aid including supply of books, stipends, medals, prizes, grants, awards, medicines, educational career support, bursaries and other incentives for purposes of advancement of knowledge, education and literacy.
  3. To establish, own, maintain, erect, construct, furnish, equip, promote, organize, manage and run institutions for special education and to provide grants and facilities for education and training to the persons who are mute, deaf, dumb or blind, crippled or otherwise physically or mentally handicapped and to provide books, proper medical attendance, nursing, food, medicine, drugs and special appliances of educational, surgical, or other nature.
  4. To work for development of human resources, poverty alleviation, promotion of social well being of the masses, betterment of health, social mobilization for prosperous society, elimination of gender discrimination and pollution free environment particularly in the rural areas of Pakistan.


A positive and interdependent society where everyone is free to reach their full potential, and where respect for human rights is balanced with citizen’s knowledge of their responsibilities.  Our intention is to play a part in creating a peaceful world by respecting pluralism and diversity.




The mission of MIED is to improve the quality of life of the marginalized communities and empower them to reach their full potential. MIED intends to inspire the local communities and govt. systems for their active role in rural advancement and development. School Improvement Programs, Social Mobilization, research, documentation and community empowerment are the center of everything we do.


Acceptance of diversity, inclusion, and pluralism are the central values of our organization. Our interventions are based on ideas of gender equity, equal opportunities for participation, and right-based approaches.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 4 Quality Education, Goal 5 Gender Equality, Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals

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