Youth Front Pakistan (YFP) is the premier non profit civil society organization working in Southern Punjab on various development initiatives with particular focus on health and communicable diseases like Malaria, TB and HIV & AIDS. Not only does YFP have vast institutional experience, extensive grass roots linkages and community presence throughout Southern Punjab but also enjoys the services of highly qualified and skilled team of professionals serving it its different sections.
YFP was established in February, 1995 and is registered with Provincial Social Welfare Department in accordance with Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies, Registration & control ordinance, 1961. The establishment of YFP was the result of a comprehensive consultative process among the leading young community leaders of DG Khan, after the realization that South Punjab could only be taken out of the vicious circle of poverty, backwardness and exploitation if youth take the lead and mobilize the communities to strive for their own development and uplift.
Over the period of fifteen years since its inception, YFP has established itself as one the leading civil society organization working in various districts of South Punjab including DG Khan, Rajan Pur, Vehari and Muzaffargarh, However the main thrust of its activities has been in DG Khan, where it has implemented most of its projects. YFP has worked with many national and international organizations and is now recognized as a partner of choice for working in South Punjab in general and DG Khan in particular due to its experience, capacity and grassroots linkages.
DG Khan as a district where all individuals have access to health, education, human rights and equal economic opportunities.
To provide and support the poor, vulnerable & disadvantaged segments of the society through provision of standardized medical and social services in a holistic paradigm approach.
To create awareness through social advocacy at grass root level amongst ignored rural communities for promotion of health seeking behaviors.
To increase access for under-served people and vulnerable/ deserving communities through setting-up of quality static & mobile health services outlets.
To ensure sustainable development through Advocacy, lobbying and linkages development endeavors.