Annual Art Competition 2019 for all PUBLIC SCHOOLS across Pakistan

Pakistan Coalition for Education has announced its Annual Art Competition 2019 for all PUBLIC SCHOOLS across Pakistan!  
If you’re an aspiring artist who has a passion for social change, this is your chance to vent on a canvas! 

Young artists from all over Pakistan are encouraged to send their artwork themed around “Barriers to Girls’Education” and all submissions are to be made no later than 30th October 2019. So gear up, summon all your creativity and let the brush do the rest! 

The top three artists selected by the jury will receive cash prizes. 

  • All participants and schools will get certificate. 
  • Maximum five entries for each school is allowed to participate in the competition. 
  • Students from class 7-class 12 are eligible to participate 

Please mention clearly

your name, class, age, school, medium, inspiration and contact number at the back of your paintings. details about the concept should not more than 100 words

Schools should send entries’ (maximum 5) to the address mentioned on the flyer above right.

On Key

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