Call for Proposals: Civil Society Policy Forum (Annual Meetings 2024)


In cooperation with the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) Working Group, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have launched a call for proposals for a CSPF in Washington, DC, with hybrid components.

The CSPF will take place alongside the upcoming World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings.

The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) has become an integral part of the Meetings, providing an open space for CSOs to dialogue and exchange views with World Bank and IMF staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of topics.

The World Bank and IMF review committee, with the help of the CSPF Working Group, will select proposals that contribute to a diverse and comprehensive forum.

The call for proposals is open to civil society organizations (CSOs) and CSO networks worldwide.

The World Bank and IMF place a high priority on civil society engagement. The CSPF, held twice a year, is the largest platform for engagement between CSOs, the World Bank, and the IMF on important development topics. The World Bank and IMF review committee, with the help of the CSPF Working Group, will select proposals that contribute to a diverse and comprehensive forum. They ask that each organization sponsor only one session to ensure inclusion and diversity. Proposals jointly sponsored with other CSOs – especially from different regions – are highly encouraged.

CSOs include non-governmental organizations, community groups, labor unions, indigenous peoples movements, faith-based organizations, professional associations, foundations, think tanks, charitable organizations, and other not-for-profit organizations. Representatives from the private sector, academia, or governmental bodies must apply for accreditation through the “Guests” or other respective registration categories as clarified on the 2024 Annual Meetings website.

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