Call for Proposals: Design and implementation of two trainings of trainers on locally led humanitarian action

Terms of reference

Two trainings of trainers on locally led humanitarian action for humanitarian NGOs in Pakistan

VENRO is the association of German humanitarian and development NGOs with around 140 member organisations. In order to improve the quality of the programmes of humanitarian NGOs, VENRO and the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) of the Ruhr-University Bochum offer several trainings on locally-led humanitarian action, anticipatory humanitarian action, and green humanitarian action in a joint project financially supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

VENRO has already conducted several online trainings and exchange seminars on locally led humanitarian action topics with several participants from Pakistan in each course. In the feedback forms, there were several explicit requests for face-to-face trainings in Pakistan.

We plan to engage external service providers for the design and implementation of two trainings of trainers (ToTs) on locally led humanitarian action for local and national NGOs in Pakistan:

  • Introduction to locally led humanitarian action and Grand Bargain
  • Equitable partnerships: Promoting collaboration between INGOs and local/national NGOs

If you are interested in facilitating one or both ToTs for us, please send us your offer(s). Please submit different offers for each training as each training will be evaluated individually during the procurement process. The trainings will be two separate events with possibly different participants. You can find detailed information on each workshop below.


Locally led humanitarian action is widely discussed across the humanitarian sector, especially since the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 and in the Grand Bargain as one if its outcomes. Since then, numerous debates, initiatives and processes in the whole sector as well as within organisations on strengthening the leadership of local and national actors in humanitarian action have evolved.

1. Training of trainers: Introduction to locally led humanitarian action and Grand Bargain

Venue and date: City in Pakistan tbd; 2 days, April 2024

Date and timeframe: will be coordinated with VENRO.

Target group: Up to 20 staff of Pakistani humanitarian NGOs.

Language: English and Urdu

Background: In a first training of trainers, participants will get an overview on locally led humanitarian action, the Grand Bargain and its current debates and initiatives. They will learn what requirements and resources are needed in their organisations to actively implement locally led humanitarian action. They will also get an overview on current localisation initiatives in Pakistan and how to engage with them. External inputs (e.g. from donor organisations) are welcome and can be organised in consultation with VENRO after commissioning.

The training will be a training of trainers and we would like to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to train other people. Therefore, techniques how to teach others should be integrated in both trainings, e.g. introduction to different interactive teaching methods.

Objectives of the seminar:

  1. Participants know what locally led humanitarian action means
  2. Participants get to know the Grand Bargain and its structure
  3. Participants get to know steps how to actively implement a locally led humanitarian action in Pakistan
  4. Participants are empowered to teach the acquired knowledge

Possible guiding questions:

  1. What does locally led humanitarian action mean?
  2. Where to find accurate and updated information on locally led humanitarian action?
  3. How can (local) NGOs push for a more localised humanitarian action?
  4. What prerequisites and resources must be in place in NGOs to follow a localised humanitarian action approach?
  5. How can local/national NGOs monitor localisation progress at the country level in line with the Grand Bargain vision?
  6. What local, national and international processes and mechanisms on locally led humanitarian action can local and national Pakistani NGOs take part in?
  7. What is the Grand Bargain?
  8. How can local and national NGOs engage in GB processes?
  9. What are donors‘ expectations and perspectives on locally led humanitarian action and how can local/national NGOs align with them?

2. Training of trainers: Promoting collaboration between INGOs and NGOs

Venue and date: City in Pakistan tbd; 2.5 days, April 2024

Date and timeframe: will be coordinated with VENRO.

Target group: Up to 20 staff of Pakistani humanitarian NGOs.

Language: English and Urdu

Background: The second training of trainers will deal with the collaboration of INGOs and local/national NGOs and discuss equitable partnerships and understanding power dynamics. External inputs (e.g. from other NGOs) are welcome and can be organised in consultation with VENRO after commissioning.

The training will be a training of trainers and we would like to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to train other people. Therefore, techniques how to teach others should be integrated in both trainings, e.g. introduction to different interactive teaching methods.

Objectives of the seminar:

  1. Participants know elements that strengthen a trustful and respectful collaboration between INGOs and L/NNGOs
  2. Participants know how to promote a trustful and respectful collaboration between INGOs and NGOs
  3. Participants are empowered to teach the acquired knowledge

Possible guiding questions:

  1. What are elements of a trustful and respectful collaboration between INGOs and L/NNGOs?
  2. How to create and maintain such a relationship between NGOs?
  3. What power dynamics exist between INGOs and L/NNGOs and how to reduce power imbalances?
  4. What prerequisites and resources must be in place in NGOs?
  5. What are hindrances to such a relationship?
  6. What conflicts can arise during collaboration and how can they be resolved?
  7. How can risks (e.g. financial, security, compliance) be equally shared between INGOs and L/NNGOs?


The following services have to be provided within this contract:

  1. Design: Conceptual design of the training(s) for up to 20 participants from staff Pakistani NGOs. This includes the preparation of a schedule for each training including contents, methods and targets. The schedule should contain interactive expert inputs, exchange between participants and practical exercises/working on case studies. Methodological variety is desired. The logistical preparation will be taken over by VENRO. VENRO policy advisor Karoline Kraehling will be present during the trainings and can support the facilitator(s).
  2. Moderation: Moderation of the training(s).
  3. Documentation: Providing participants with a short documentation of the training(s) including methods for knowledge transfer (max. 10 pages).

All outputs will be provided in close coordination with the responsible VENRO policy advisor Karoline Kraehling. Ongoing feedback loops regarding workshop design and moderation are part of the assignment and will not be compensated additionally.

Offers must include:

  1. Draft agenda of the training(s) with first ideas on the single workshop elements and methods used (max. 2 DIN A 4 pages).
  2. Costs and working days for the above listed outputs 1), 2), and 3). Prices should be specified without as well as including taxes. All prices should be indicated in Euros.
  3. CV of the trainer(s) incl. relevant work experiences.

Possible dates/trainer(s)’ availabilities for the conduction of the training(s). Ideally, both trainings should take place within two weeks in April 2024.

How to apply

  1. Please send the signed offer(s) via e-mail in PDF format to Karoline Krähling:
  2. The expiry date for offer submission is 2 January 2024 at 11:59 pm CET.
  3. The decision upon the assignment will be made based on a) fees (50%), b) quality of the offer (objectives, feasibility, variety of methods) (40%) and experience (10%).

We are looking forward to receiving your offer. For further questions, please contact Karoline Kraehling, Policy Advisor Humanitarian Action, k.kraehling[at] (available from 13 – 20 December and on 2 January).

On Key

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