Pak NGOs announces a new series of online sessions for NGOs’ staff. The first of the series focuses on Communications for Fundraising. We will announce the topics for the next sessions pretty soon.
Communications is a field ignored by the management of Pakistani NGOs. It is considered a useless additional task. In this session, Safeer Ullah Khan (CEO Pak NGOs) will explain why communications is important, and how it can contribute to fundraising.
Topics to be Discussed in the Session:
- What is fundraising?
- Traditional Ways of Fundraising
- Why the traditional ways are not working any more
- What is Communications
- How Communications helps in fundraising
- What an NGO should focus on while developing a communications strategy?
Safeer has served many organizations as communications professional. His last formal assignment was Communications Manager for Ambassador’s Fund Grants Program. He has successfully turned Pak NGOs into a self-sustained platform without any donor funding.
Important details are given below:
- What: Online Session on Communications for Fundraising
- Who is the facilitator: Safeer Ullah Khan (CEO Pak NGOs)
- Who should attend: communications persons, managers, (We plan to do a separate session for CEOs/EDs of national NGOs)
- Mode: Highly Interactive
- Where: Zoom (link would be shared with registered participants only.)
- When: 7 PM to 8:30 PM | Friday, 9/7/2021
- Fee: Rs 2,500 per person
- Number of Participants: Only 15 participants will be entertained)
- How to Attend: Register Here
- Contact Information: WhatsApp (No Calls Please) 03338890823, Email: