Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance Pakistan (The SUNCSA-Pak) Secretariat & National SUN Secretariat Pakistan are pleased to invite applications for membership of SUNCSA-Pak. Membership is OPEN to registered local, national and international civil society organizations, community-based organisations/coalitions and individuals involved in research, advocacy, policy planning, coordination, M&E and programme delivery in sectors such as health, food security/ food systems, nutrition, agriculture, education, WASH, social protection, population, gender, climate, governance, early childhood development, human rights especially women and child rights.
Organizations fulfilling the following criteria are eligible to apply for membership:
- Registered under laws of Pakistan as non-profit organization for a minimum of 3-years
- Possess functional financial management system
Following documents should be submitted with application:
- Valid registration certificate
- Latest annual audit report
- List of Board of Directors
- Annual report/ progress report (hard or soft form)
- Profile of organisation
Note: The CSOs already having membership of SUNCSA-Pak are not required to apply.
INDIVIDUALS engaged in nutrition sensitive (indirect nutrition interventions) or nutrition specific (direct nutrition interventions) sectors and passionate to contribute to ending malnutrition in Pakistan can also apply.
Application Form and Membership Guidelines can be downloaded from ( or by sending an email to or
Complete applications (hard & soft form) along with required documents should be submitted to: