he Ambassador’s Fund is a program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is managed by Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA). Under the Ambassador’s Fund, the eligible applicants can seek grants in the identified priority areas i.e. Empowering Vulnerable Populations, Supporting Governance Institutions in KP-NMD (newly merged districts), Engendering Free Information and Free Press Organizations and Expanding Social Tolerance to Reduce Conflict.
You are cordially invited to attend the Outreach Event & Orientation Workshop for potential grant applicants on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at SWAT.
The first half of the event will introduce USAID Ambassador’s Fund and its new Priority Areas. During the second half of the event, the Ambassador’s Fund team will guide potential grant applicants on the grant application submission process and answer questions.
Interested participants can register by clicking on the following link https://tdea.pk/afgp/outreach-event-organizational-workshop-swat/ by Friday September 06, 2019. Please do not reply to this email. You will receive a confirmation email by September 06, 2019 revealing venue details.
Please note that TA/DA will not be paid.
More information about USAID Ambassador’s Fund is available at http://tdea.pk/afgp/.
If you have any question, please write to info@afgp-tdea.org.