The Karachi International Water Conference scheduled for 26th and 27th November

The Karachi International Water Conference (KIWC) takes place in Karachi every two years. Over the past six years, it has evolved and attained a position of prominence as a “must attend” major water event in the region. The Conference provides a neutral platform for people from all walks of life to come together and engage in discourse, deliberations and debate a wide variety of water related topics, challenges, issues and solutions from international, regional and Pakistan perspectives. Participants share insights, knowledge, research findings and innovations.

This year the conference is taking place on 26-27 November 2019. Dr. Arif Alvi, the president of Pakistan, has consented to inaugurate the Conference this year. It is organized by Hisaar Foundation.

The conference aims to bring together the thought leaders, actors and players of the water sector that are working on Water-Energy-Food Nexus and related areas. Major global, regional and national organizations and their representatives, researchers, professionals, decision-makers, business innovators, practitioners, experts, women’s groups, youth groups and leaders on WEF Nexus will exchange ideas, foster new thinking, develop innovative solutions and work on the water agenda for the 21st century.

You can find the Program Here.

From modest beginnings in 2013, when the first conference was attended by about 700 delegates mostly from Karachi, The conference has grown in size and stature and now elicits interests from far and wide. The Third Karachi International Water Conference was attended by over 1200 delegates from Pakistan, South Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America. From local organizations to multi-nationals, to bilateral and multilateral bodies; prominent personalities in the water sector have attended the previous conferences. We expect the profile of the conference to be raised further with greater involvement of governments and practitioners from energy, renewable energy, agriculture, food and nutrition sectors.

To know more, please visit the Conference Website.

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